than anyone cared to think . . . but people gave me their usual speech about California always has fires, it's "no big deal" etc etc
just like when I predicted things like the housing crash or trump's presidency going batshit crazy, things people thought #unlikely
I said these things to give a head's up (in whatever way I could)
but people prefer to ignore anything that isn't part of their "created reality" . . . saying "hey, this is some serious shit comin', ya know" -- well, that was a #negative prediction and so people would tune it/me "out", think positive and it would all be ok
but I don't see it that way
these fires are no joke; this is the new normal, in my opinion
more and more million dollar homes are going to burn to the ground . . . more people's lives turned upside down
it continues year after year now to do what I "said it would do" and the types of actions to mitigate its impact haven't happened in most cases
in fact, just the opposite
the world is different now -- it just simply is