are also, way more often than not, the very same people saying Trump is the answer and twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify
destroying their country because it's better than some "freeloading Mexican" (typically the hardest working most family-oriented Americans, anyway) getting $70 of their tax money when they can, instead, give $1700 to "build that wall"
finger pointers often are the least "aware"
yet these "voices" echo in your mind(s)
my advice -- recognize the h8r club is filled with small-minded people who ain't all that smart, no matter how much they try to "inform you" they are
they're bullies and they've tried to bully their way into your head
stand up to them and they back down
this works when you're telling some hillbilly in Subway to chill the fuck out when he's berating the Indian family making his sub
or when you're contemplating why you hate yourself
and realize the voice is the same one screaming "speak English or get out of my country"
LOVE is the answer both places and taking action against the hate is the appropriate choice, every time
no matter how scary or difficult it may seem
#overIT in every way
self love = healthy boundaries