grief is a silent killer; don't help it
we must be willing to stop killing the life we might have it we are ever to "have a life"
grief is a silent killer; don't help it
Searching for past lives is all about searching for stories; some may be about you some just may be about God and "the human condition"
but we need stories and myths to help us navigate through the dark waters that sometimes creep up from beneath us embracing both reincarnation and art, to me, are attempts to find the same things . . . basically, something beautiful to let me know my life is also beautiful we need this, I believe and so the integration of art and spirituality, for me, are keys to my happiness and even bigger keys to keeping Depression in check, as much as I can the essence of who you "are", not the habits
you've acquired . . . will ultimately come out attitudes about reincarnation are just as sexist
As anywhere else; cultural bias against women, shown with men (like me, as an example) “having” past lives as a woman Is an outgrowth of a continuous “mythology” that men are “more important” than women They’re not Mannerisms "carry over", physical similarities carry over, personality quirks, special talents, pet peeves . . . they carry over
you don't turn from a turtle into a leopard but if you are a leopard, there will be signs of the leopards from before all past lives, in my belief, in my "theory", will look alike, not twins but similar, every time what you were determines what you feel comfortable with next round in quite profound ways the styles "recycle" over and over and over some more -- no matter changes in gender or race . . . the basic physical blue print remains and will always be present in some quite significant way Split incarnations -- what are the characteristics of people who are "split incarnations"?
they will be drawn to being in the lime light but will also shun it at the same time; they will be drawn like moths to a flame to fields in which they can "pretend" for a living -- actors, film makers, artists, writers or where taking risks is part of their lifestyle: mountaineers, race drivers, soldiers of fortune they will also have unconventional attitudes about religion. occultism, politics, marriage, Art on top of all that, they will also likely have a very up/down kind of life, often turning away from fame and security at various points along the way they are prone to mental illness or addictive behaviors; sexually they are not likely to follow societal rules and are typically perceived as quite sexually magnetic they may live two lives at a time or, in some cases, three -- all simultaneously they are intelligent but at times seem quite the "air head", brilliant innovators but also not "all there" and, in every case, split incarnations will share certain facial and bodily similarities . . . and every split will look a little like every OTHER split usually splits will get quite a bit of attention for what they look like and acting and modeling are natural places for them to land, for a while, at least and, to make them even a bit more "unique" . . . splits are A - L - I - E - N - S as (I guess) so am I all the other splits will look a little bit like me and I will look a little (actually more than a little) like all of them here are 5 people I think are (for sure) split incarnation types: L to R, Vaslav Nijinksy, the great Russian ballet master who went mad, actress Romy Schneider, Lindsay Lohan, Greta Garbo, and Rudolf Nureyev Rudolf Valentino would be on this list, Mata Hari, many others but yeah . . . this is my "theory" a vampyre recognizes another vampyre, indeed have spent all these years looking for past lives . . . in my "research" (and that's what I am, an unpaid solo make it up as you go best as you can researcher) I have come up with the "theory"
that people who reincarnate fall into 3 distinct buckets: (1) singular, one right after the other types, (2) what I call "1+1's" (Ones with a Trailer) . . . people who want to absorb as many rounds on Earth as possible, so they incarnate more quickly and may, on occasion, "overlap" so let's say Person A had a lifetime in which they were born in 1900 and died in 1950 . . . we would expect them to "come back" around, let's say, 1957 but perhaps they choose, for a variety or reasons, to come in 1962 or even 1972 singular incarnation types will (again, my theory) reincarnate after a time "away" . . . probably 4-6 years at the speediest end and 18-22 on the slowest end; average time probably around 9-10 years Ones with a Trailer, on the other hand, come faster so if Person B had a life lived from 1900 to 1950, we would expect them to reincarnate around 1951 . . . or even 1949 !!! they come to "catch the Astrology and catch the DNA" and so may choose a bodily candidate who is born shortly before the "current incarnation" passes 1+1's will be more fast and furious and usually we will see a 1-2 year window, typically with these types (either direction) . . . and then there is the third group: (3) "Splits" who will have an incarnation, to use our example, from 1900-1950 and another one that died in 1902 and lived from 1905-1967 in some cases, they might have a life from 1900-1950 but also two more "streams" -- (1902-1926 + 1930-1961) as well as (1910-1944 + 1945-1990) splits will have two, or sometimes even three, going most of the time each group has fairly comparable personality quirks and styles and the splits, perhaps not surprisingly, lean more towards live fast no matter the cost approaches to life more often than not more to come on what I think are the primary "characteristics" of each type and how those "styles" may underscore each's approach to life and death it makes zero sense to expect teachers -- who have been told for the past 20 years they don't really matter
to now become armed security guards on top of what they already do . . . we cut funding to education, cut programs to help children and then we expect somehow for money to suddenly appear for guns and training for all these teachers, many of whom (understandably) are likely freakin' the fuck out at the very thought of what they may be asked to do if all you want is to have your children "guarded" then I guess the next obvious choice are internment camps so they can march and pray all day everyone who thinks "arming teachers" makes sense and reasonable controls on purchasing automatic weapons does not let's just say we disagree wow Past Life "matching" is really more about research than clairvoyance . . . an initial impulse or vision is wonderful, and CRITICAL
but without trying to ground it in "does this make sense" or "how might this be possible", it is not really so useful in talking about reincarnation as a "real thing" although, of course, from a therapeutic perspective, these stories potentially have tremendous value as catalysts for self-healing there are many dead ends (irony) I run into trying to "search"; looking for records, for example, in databases that are in German or other foreign languages or the very real "issue" that the people I'm searching for are not going to be individuals, typically, anyone is going to care about other than close family members doing genealogy research or crazy psychics trying to confirm or deny a possible past life so needle in a haystack is an understatement; few people would likely devote as much time to "hunting" as I do so, yeah, it's complicated I make mistakes, get excited about finding answers that aren't ultimately really answers at all . . . and keep incrementally piecing my theory together and trying to add "data" knowing that no matter what data I provide, it can never fully be vetted and must, on some level, be "validated" through affinities rather than absolutes still, I think there is value in what I am doing and I continue marching along, trying every day to understand more about what it "all means" some people get bent when I talk about my "forecasts" as opinions and not absolutes
but I am not able to speak in absolutes; nor, in my opinion, is anyone else I have my "ways" of seeing, my intellectual style in taking impulses and extrapolating a likely path I realize some would perhaps prefer me to be "all knowing" but I am not that doesn't mean I don't have unique means for formulating probability models about the future nor does it suggest that there isn't some "extra sensory something" going on in how I go about it because there is but ESP is not enough and "extra" is not the same thing as total no psychic is 98% accurate we must interpret what we see and in that interpretation, it is easy to veer off course I do believe there is value in "forecasting" as I do but I think it's important to recognize I am as much Sherlock Holmes as Nostradamus . . . and, in my opinion, saying this doesn't "invalidate" me as a "psychic" I think it is closer to the "truth" about what we do and how we do it |
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May 2021