but without trying to ground it in "does this make sense" or "how might this be possible", it is not really so useful in talking about reincarnation as a "real thing"
although, of course, from a therapeutic perspective, these stories potentially have tremendous value as catalysts for self-healing
there are many dead ends (irony) I run into trying to "search"; looking for records, for example, in databases that are in German or other foreign languages or the very real "issue"
that the people I'm searching for are not going to be individuals, typically, anyone is going to care about other than close family members doing genealogy research
or crazy psychics trying to confirm or deny a possible past life
so needle in a haystack is an understatement; few people would likely devote as much time to "hunting" as I do
so, yeah, it's complicated
I make mistakes, get excited about finding answers that aren't ultimately really answers at all . . . and keep incrementally piecing my theory together
and trying to add "data"
knowing that no matter what data I provide, it can never fully be vetted
and must, on some level, be "validated" through affinities rather than absolutes
still, I think there is value in what I am doing
and I continue marching along, trying every day to understand more about what it "all means"