stop surrounding yourself with liars
to find your "truth" you must first
stop surrounding yourself with liars
there is no one truly 100% "without limits"; HOWEVER, most limits are self-imposed
. . . they are echoes of thoughts "shared" by others, who absorbed limited/limiting thinking from "other" others, who absorbed it first from someone else, rinse repeat one two three as such, THOSE limitations are likely bad habits and not true limitations; the area of our lives roped off by these "learned limitations" is the area in which we have the greatest opportunities for growth to the extent we act as if these limits are hard and fast "laws", rather than the result of bad habits born of "fuzzy thinking", we create road blocks where none "need to be" we're complicit in having our lives not go as "planned" if we continue to act as if the limits HAVE TO stop us -- since they are "laws of the universe" but they're not they are simply bad habits -- born out of frustration from believing that we "were limited" a belief we came to "accept as true" . . . because we, originally, "absorbed" limited thinking "realizing" limited thinking is just that -- "limited" . . . and not a final absolute "truth" is the first, critical, step towards blowing those limits up and rockn your world, for the good once you see that limits are self-imposed "caps" -- created from "processing" thoughts that weren't "really yours" but (instead) were "borrowed" from others . . . and not hard + fast laws, like gravity or the true power of unicorns once you see that and DO THAT then you can begin to "change your thinking" towards a "reality" more in alignment with the "real you" and the real you is best understood by examining the things you LOVE allow yourself to want . . . what you want without thinking you don't deserve to have it and then the magic begins !! :) DO THAT and you begin . . . expansion time for #liftOFF build for where you "plan to be" rather than where you "think you are"
take a risk, but don't be risky yes, I know, I speak in parables :) -- but parables are often the only effective way to give hints as to "the truth" most limitations are learned; therefore, most
limitations can be "unlearned" so I am in McDonald's (my satellite "office") and I notice this young girl (who I find out later is actually 35) ordering coffee and asking for "additional sugars"
and, for whatever reason, this transaction "lights up" to me skinny girl, big handful of extra sugar packets . . . translation: addict I am sitting here playing on the internet and she comes over and wants to know how much longer it is likely to keep raining I ended up talking to her for awhile because not only did this girl need a short-term weather report, she also "needed" encouragement and I was (I think) able to provide some of that a little kindness goes a long way -- addiction is always a compensatory action for something empty that needs filled I am not down with the idea of having this conversation every day -- but, for today, I am glad I did and hopefully she got (and will take with her for awhile) a little bit of unicorn love so I walk into the apartment and hear the alarm ringing -- which was surprising as I didn't turn the alarm ON
it had to have been "set" yesterday when the clock "decided" to just fly off the table, with no one near it not the first time the hain'ts decided to play with the alarm . . . Southerners, oh my who used to set her alarm clock for noon -- to take her pills? of course, who else -- that was what my mother (who died Thursday) did; I find it more than just a wee bit interesting that I talked to this young woman an hour ago about feeling "good about herself" and knowing she had "addiction issues" when I had roughly the same kind of conversation over and over with my own mother, who was a valium and percocet addict this was also the last alarm clock I ever bought for her, 'cause I bought several of them, which she would wear out or BREAK from knocking them on the floor !!! -- and I would have to constantly "fix her clocks" the "good son" #angels "meaningful change" happens when you stop blocking the things that could lead . . . to meaningful change
I realize this sounds obvious, but it is not and a profound but simple truth is buried within . . . to stop blocking these "things" you need to (a) identify (as much as possible) what they are and (b) decide you are OK with meaningful change "happening" because, truth be told, most people are afraid of change which is the cruelest irony since they come to psychics, if they come . . . to find out what is going to be different in "the future" but if you don't examine both (a) and (b) above, the truthful answer is not much "The Secret" is right (as far as it goes) but misses a rather important point . . . most people don't want to have good things happen
because they've been "taught" that bad things come with having "good things happen" and -- even more importantly . . . visualizing what you want is both limited and "limiting" knowing what you want to "do" (and why) is the fuel of creation . . . knowing what you want "to get" is only half, if that, of the battle because without action nothing happens and without a vision of what you're doing then there is little action and fewer tangible results change the focus from outcome to "input" and your world will get better quickly don't water yourself down to fit in with a "tribe" because you're afraid you're not "good enough" for the one you really want
because if your "true tribe" is on one level and you're afraid to go there . . . the level below won't accept you, any way (as they will see you either as an "imposter" or "damaged goods", or both) and will attack you for "lying" to them you have to have to HAVE TO own your power and your core "truth" -- because it you don't step up to who you "are" you will be "attacked" all your life because your (current) tribe "doesn't believe (in) you" if you know "who you are" and are true to that . . . then your day to day actions
will put you into the same orbit with others who are like you which will make your day to day life a whole lot more "satisfying" find yourself to find your tribe; find your tribe to find your happiness there is no growth without other people (doesn't matter if they are right in front of you, or not . . . 'cause they're ALREADY in your head !!) -- so whether you choose to grow, primarily, through pain or through joy is up to you and this pain/joy ratio is in direct proportion to "tribe"/non-tribe "mechanics" do a job because your parents "suggested it" and hang with people you can barely tolerate or say "no mas" and do what you want if you have less money -- and you are with your "peeps" then does it really matter? you are probably similar to one another and that isn't such a terrible thing most problems, I believe, are because you hang with people with whom you don't "vibe" fix THIS -- and your life will change |
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May 2021