and I have been trying hard to pinpoint exactly why
and I think a big part of it is that as a swaggy white boy who in so many ways flips the swaggy white boy script upside down, it is buried deep down within me
all the bullshit I've dealt with having to (a) deal with little whiney pricks just like Bart NO'Giveafuck all my life and (b) deal with the ways in which people may "perceive me" since, based on a lot of visible factors, I might (in their eyes on "first impression") be Andrew Kavanaugh, rather than King of the Unicorns
it's complicated
and just as women must deal with the condescension coming from prep school white boys who look down on them
so, too, do many men also have memories of dealing with this class look down your nose hostility that has been "internalized" by us somewhere along the way
People like Kavanaugh make me CRAZEE
this is probably part of the Freud on Speed Dial logic behind why I am sooooooooo vocal about Trump's "behavior"
I have dealt with this all my life
and yes, it still bugs the fuck out of me even now
rape is about power -- showing who "has it" and who "doesn't"
and when I see someone asserting power and not giving a fuck who it hurts -- even worse, when it is OBVIOUS
they get off on KNOWING it hurts
. . . let's just say "it bugs me"
all these self-entitled no fucks given "Masters of the Universe"
are why we're still, emotionally, stuck in caves with sabre tooth tigers
we can't grow as long as people like Trump and Kavanaugh -- and the Billionaires behind them
choose to knock women in the head and drag them by the hair
and if I had a nickel for every "hey, pretty boy, fuck you" I heard along life's highway, I would eat quite well for a long long time
I believe black men are targeted because they are perceived by smalldickwhiteboys as sexual threats -- basically, competition they want to eliminate
and they fear women and target them to make sure they "toe the line" and don't make them "feel bad about themselves"
it is all cluster fuck city in the membrane
and so they manipulate the world and gaslight everyone in it to run from these feelings that they might not be "divinely ordained" for power
those of us who stand up to them are targets of their "wrath"
another reason why men like this are aggressive and condescending to women
is that as self-entitled "God's gifts" they must suppress any voice that doesn't support their mania
this is one, of many, possible reasons why I feel women's pain so acutely
bottom line . . . this madness has to end
and derailing Brett's "reward" for being a "good boy" seems like a good place to