. . . The 3 R’s: Reincarnation + Reciprocal Resonance
Q: Ok, so back again . . . in thinking about the Law of Attraction, you say (instead) it is Reciprocal Resonance. What do you mean by that?
W: there is no law, there is simply motion. Think of if like this: when a ball rolls down a hill, it picks up speed. If it hits a bump it may slow down for a moment and roll fast again or the bump may throw it into the grass at which point its motion slows down or perhaps even stops
The same concept holds true for Reciprocal Resonance -- it is a question of motion, speed, and obstruction
If you choose a path with few obstructions you likely will go faster; choose one with many speed bumps you slow down
Of course, one of the complications is that you don’t always know if there are bumps on the highway when you make a right turn
So -- using the analogy of a vehicle on the highway; what does one do to maximize a positive experience on the ride? Get a good vehicle, keep it serviced, don’t overload it, make sure the driver is refreshed, can see clearly, drives in good weather and avoids bad, etc
This is how the supposed Law of Attraction works, as well -- you choose your car, service it (or not -- always a choice) and make your way down the highway
Yet people who do not service their car will complain when the car breaks down; they are leaving things “to chance” but they are really saying “I do not choose to control my journey”
Reciprocal Resonance is a means of expressing the balance between intention and results
Q: What do you say to someone who cannot afford to service their car?
W: the answer is not about servicing the car; the answer is about choosing to take control
Control is the choice; leaving things to chance is also a choice
Each choice is grounded in “intention” which is grounded in knowledge . . . further complicated by the fact that people are forced to make decisions for things for which they may have incomplete knowledge upon which to most effectively act
This is related to the idea of Reincarnation -- as prior lifetimes serve as stylistic limitations to increased knowledge as the native feels as if they “know it all already”
Past lives are baggage that blinds the individual to acquiring new information
Reciprocal Resonance is a harmonic balancing act between the complication of already knowing the answer and being open to learning the “best answer” for the situation at hand
Q: What happens when people “feel out of balance?
W: Balance is a function of intention -- not everyone wants to feel “in balance” as they may derive pleasure from imbalance
Much like someone who likes roller coasters or sky diving; they are seeking a thrill
The problem is they may not be conscious of “why” they are thrill seeking and the thrill they seek is something, consciously, they wish to avoid
However, wishing to avoid this is merely wishing to stop the ride when it is convenient
This never works as people cannot adequately balance thrill seeking and safety
Q: Never?
W: Never -- because the need to find a thrill is either in line with safety issues, or it is not. If there is harmony within the native, then this is a matter of choice
If there is not, then this is a matter of (unconscious) compulsion
The moth will seek the flame even though they say they do not wish to get burned
Q: How does one move from destructive thrill seeking to a state of harmony?
W: By relieving the tensions acquired through past lives
Q: Meaning?
W: Meaning people sometimes wish to test themselves because they feel, rightly or wrongly, as if they have “harmed something” in the past. This is either another person, an object or “movement”
Or even themselves
The “need for redemption” from past transgressions is a driver for most of the things people do
And so finding a conscious awareness of what someone is “attempting to make up for” will often be of benefit to the native
Q: You said before that “past life awareness” was often a burden to people as it took their focus from living fully in this life
W: You don’t “need” past lives to give you this information; you simply need the information
And your behavior is the signal as to where best to look; doesn’t matter if you read this in a past life memory or simply by looking within your psyche
Either works -- if it works
The important element is to find the triggering agent causing you to run towards, and over, speed bumps
Q: When one recognizes they may have, unconsciously, chosen to drive over bumpy terrain, what is their best course of action, typically, to change course?
W: a willingness to admit defeat -- not to admit they made a mistake. They need to admit defeat
And by this I mean they need to see that they are losing and find out what losing means to them. If they are good sports and care not if they win or lose, they will keep playing and the game will roll on
However, if losing matters to them, they will (as in your sports teams of today) perhaps make a trade or bring in a new coach.
The same players the same strategies cannot work. You need to change the players, change the approach
But if you are only moderately disappointed, you will do nothing of consequence and things will have only small changes, as a result
You have to decide that winning or losing is crucial and make winning your plan
Q: So, you are saying bring in a coach when things aren’t going well?
W: I am saying look with new eyeballs. If a new manager or coach does this function for you, then you need them