certainly their "talent" is in the same field, at comparable levels
Franz Liszt -- reincarnated as Yuja Wang
Two nationalities, two races, two genders . . . yet they look alike and (to me) are alike
certainly their "talent" is in the same field, at comparable levels Franz Liszt -- reincarnated as Yuja Wang
as we chug chug chug along towards March 13th (Friday the 13th !!) 2015
when Uranus stands at 15 Aries (conjunct Mars at 15 Aries !!!!!) and makes Her final square aspect with Pluto we will see the walls of secrecy breeched, great heads will roll tall tales in theory hidden safely away standing naked in the light of day the world and the "players" on the world's stage who sold their country out for 30 pieces of Gold will find themselves in a sticky, not so much fun situation technology giveth, technology taketh away the world is about to EXPLODE . . . but explode good TREASON is the name of this game and the hangin' judge, next Spring will sit tall in the bench take it to the psychic "bank" -- people who manipulated the country's resources, who "sold out" to the highest bidder will face their darkest fears: March, 2015 I know what I am about to say will sound as "crazy" as what I said 12 years ago about the changes that would happen within the US
most of which, sadly, came to pass but, to me, when I look into my own personal "crystal ball" I believe the "Conservative Era" is nearly over . . . and even though right now things are revving up and people talk more and more openly -- and fearfully about the possibility of "martial law" and issues of police brutality have FINALLY come to light in a manner in which people can't help but notice when I look into the "Future", I believe this world "they" have tried to create is unraveling and soon -- within the next 24 months the "reaction" will be sooooo strong that the tide will shift 10 years ago, I was considered a pessimist, too "doom and gloom" to be realistic, yet my scenarios and timelines were eerily on point now I will be seen as a foolish pollyannist, dreaming of rainbows and unicorns I was almost universally scorned as being an idiot before but many many people can attest how accurate I was, and how closely things have played out just as I said I am right now, too and, just like back then, the handwriting is too faint for most to read however, within 2 years, once again you will see I am correct
hahahahahahaaha yes she DID steal my hair
I did a presentation to her 2nd Grade Class and they voted in support of my "theory" I just got this text today from my daughter Riana; it is her drawing of me when she was 9 years old !!!! I am proud of the fact that I was substantially ahead of the curve in making certain predictions about the upcoming state of the world
in many cases, I outlined events in very concise detail 5-10 years (or more) in advance and even though at the time I took a bit of "heat" for what I had to say (as there was not a frame of reference readily available for most people in which they could easily consider or understand what I was saying), for me, the process has been a positive one learning how to "roll with it" all was a valuable lesson for me and hopefully my cries in the wilderness did some good, as well now is the time to move into a new gear -- recognizing that our spiritual and social evolution obligates us to find solutions that embrace possibility, rather than stay divided over small sometimes petty differences of course there are people who politically cause my eyes to roll and my blood pressure to rise but to fight is not the solution of course, not standing up for what is "right" is also not the solution to me, this suggests we must work to elevate ourselves change yourself for the better and the world is also changed for the better if this is contagious, then it won't be long before things improve I expect them to improve; it is both my hope and my prediction I have said it 10,000 times -- but it (I believe) is worth repeating
change what you buy . . . and from whom you buy it and you change the world is it "cute" I buy from thrift stores -- or a statement about recycling and supporting efforts to help the less fortunate is it weird I gave my car away . . . or a statement about the impact of cars and the mad pursuit of oil on our precious environment am I looney for NEVER going to doctors -- choosing to "train my mind" so as not to get "too sick" or a statement not only about the power of the individual but a rejection of the "industry" that seduced our trained healers and replaced the Hippocratic Oath with a pledge of allegiance to greed think about what you NEED . . . support local grocers, local artists buy a painting and not a print at Walmart . . . my $3 jackets truly rock and at 9 cents a piece I can buy a lot of shirts . . . so do I need to go to the mall to get one that makes me "trendy" for 3 months ?? perhaps not think for yourselves -- don't be a slave to what you're told make choices -- change the world ![]() Originally posted: November 9, 2012 "Am I a psychic artist or an artistic psychic?" This is a question I have asked, both publicly and privately, for years. There are four possible answers and at one time or another I have identified with all four -- artist, psychic, both, neither. But the engine that runs my train often times wants to kick the caboose off the track and chase a greyhound bus through the wilderness. I get bored after awhile being "just a psychic" and, on top of that, I have a tendency to either want to go flat out . . . or park. Not content to do the tried and true and keep a recognizable AND CONSISTENT "brand", I find that, as my emotions go, so too my commitment to work. But the best laid plans, for me anyway, are also subject to a third wild card: Depression. Many times I rebel and feel confined by having to adhere to a certain "style of behavior". There is no denying that my style as a psychic is not for everybody and many people do not care for me having porn star friends or being half jock, half hellion and I can understand, and appreciate, this attitude. Since my hair has slid from my scalp into my ears and nose, I can't cut my hair or punk it out or dye it blonde so I have to resort to other means to stir things up . . . I bring this up because I feel as if there must be others who go trough similar dilemmas. If all things were equal and it were truly left up to me, I believe I would be a "psychic artist" first and foremost. This means I would identify with art more than metaphysics, would write novels instead of how-to manuals on psychic development, would paint rather than predict. As I was telling Jost earlier, my two extremes are: business person and artist. The competitive me is happiest in business (or sports), the contemplative me happiest in creation. As a result, I am truly happy in either role but I am not content to stay in just one. On the psychological and logistical continuum of my life, "psychic" is, quite literally, the "happy medium". It allows me to lead the life of an artist and still have some money as well. The contemplative piece works as a psychic; the competitive piece, though, not so much. Over the years I have talked a lot about my struggles with sadness and depression, mainly in relationship to the death of my daughter but that is not the only reason. I have been advised to shut up about it, too, and not talk about it -- to say nothing so as not to tarnish my "reputation" as one who "knows things", but part of the reason I DO know things is because I have gone down those dark hallways and lived to tell the tale. Without my "stain", there is no motivation to find the soap. Without my darkness, I would not swim so hard seeking the light. For others who struggle with the hows and whys of existence, who are not willing (or able) to accept standard answers to critical questions, I feel you and understand and embrace your struggle. I wish some days that I could provide the rock solid always on pointe "thang" people want me to be. But, so far, I have not found that answer. I have found others, ones I think, in many ways, far more important. But the riddle of consistency, I just cannot solve. I seek so many things but mainly I seek anwers about myself; I cannot stop searching for those answers and while I continue searching there will be days, or weeks, when I simply cannot focus on being "The Rock n Roll Psychic" and during those times I will drift away, once more, and will likely, as I do far too often, try to break the foundation I have built in my "career" so as not to have it as a temptation to run back to. That, I think, is "the truth" -- my "career" becomes a distraction, at times, from looking within. Kill the career and fewer people will call me and I will have more time to sit and "think". Understandable, but only in a twisted, parallel universe would someone act upon it. Still, one only looks if something is missing. True? For me, there is still a "piece" missing. Depression is not a fun ride. I deal with it as well as I can, or know how . . . and so -- the story goes.
Yesterday was a very "interesting" day -- I did a show talking about reincarnation in "old Hollywood" of the 1930's . . . including a possible past life of my own
and then was asked to do a Tribute Show for Robin Williams, which I did later in the evening I have spent some time in and around "Hollywood" -- as both a film actor on a small scale but on a greater scale as a psychic who has talked to dozens and dozens of Hollywood Actors / Producers etc and appeared in a long running "infomercial" in the 1990's it is a complex world, with complex personalities -- I coined a term for this world "The Hollywood - English Dictionary" meaning that things are never what they seem and people's "motives" typically are much darker than what appears on a surface level it is a world in which money speaks in a loud voice and for people who are highly creative, and prone to bouts of depression, a bit of a land mine to navigate I believe Robin's death will have a big impact on a lot of people -- when I saw last year he was doing a TV show I thought "uh oh" and when I realized his show was canceled I thought "uh oh" even more a comedic genius, this (in Hollywood - English Dictionary land) had to be painful for him and a blow to his self-esteem rumor has it that he was forced to work on projects he didn't want, like a TV series . . . which I am sure was something he didn't expect to do after the career he had made because he was having some financial problems due to his divorce this level of genius will lead to mass speculation; some will condemn him for committing suicide certainly, I will not as I believe his death will likely have a healing impact on many people who may look at Depression in a new way a beautiful man -- I am sure all of us will miss him and the incredible talent he possessed like no other
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when it comes to "verifying" a past life -- there is no absolute fool-proof way in which this can be done
as a psychic, if I make a prediction that you'll get a job in X type of building or the stock market will do XYZ, that is measurable it happens or it doesn't -- if I say you're this "type" of person and are dealing with XYZ types of "things", that either "rings true" or it doesn't but with past lives -- there is no yardstick with which anyone can say yes / no, that is true for me, I have spent 35 years -- 35 pretty intense years . . . SEARCHING, looking for clues, adding subtracting re-arranging following dead ends, taking vague snippets and trying to first make a pattern and then find if that pattern "matched" a lifetime -- and remember, this has to be a lifetime in which there is actually enough information SOMEWHERE you can find to later use as validation AND translated or originally in English -- since I can't read German, Russian, Hungarian, Persian or any of the other languages most likely to hold information from my personal karmic journey I have been not only lucky, but super diligent, in tracking down these leads and putting forth "speculative" life times that I feel, for many reasons, may have been ones in which I have lived before this isn't done as an ego trip but truly from the standpoint of trying to understand why I "see" the things I see and also from the standpoint of trying to unravel the hows and whys of reincarnation as it serves as a core component to my personal sense of spirituality and my understanding of God if reincarnation is "true", well that speaks quite eloquently as to what I need to do in life and what choices are most appropriate I want to understand what happens when we die, in hopes that it will help me better know how to live I have also had a lot of help -- friends and professionals who I have reached out to over the years who have helped point the way I am still searching . . . an amazing journey absolutely amazing |
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