as a psychic, if I make a prediction that you'll get a job in X type of building or the stock market will do XYZ, that is measurable
it happens or it doesn't -- if I say you're this "type" of person and are dealing with XYZ types of "things", that either "rings true" or it doesn't
but with past lives -- there is no yardstick with which anyone can say yes / no, that is true
for me, I have spent 35 years -- 35 pretty intense years . . . SEARCHING, looking for clues, adding subtracting re-arranging
following dead ends, taking vague snippets and trying to first make a pattern and then find if that pattern "matched" a lifetime -- and remember, this has to be a lifetime in which there is actually enough information SOMEWHERE you can find to later use as validation
AND translated or originally in English -- since I can't read German, Russian, Hungarian, Persian or any of the other languages most likely to hold information from my personal karmic journey
I have been not only lucky, but super diligent, in tracking down these leads and putting forth "speculative" life times that I feel, for many reasons, may have been ones
in which I have lived before
this isn't done as an ego trip but truly from the standpoint of trying to understand why I "see" the things I see and also from the standpoint of trying to unravel the hows and whys of reincarnation
as it serves as a core component to my personal sense of spirituality and my understanding of God
if reincarnation is "true", well that speaks quite eloquently as to what I need to do in life and what choices are most appropriate
I want to understand what happens when we die, in hopes that it will help me better know how to live
I have also had a lot of help -- friends and professionals who I have reached out to over the years who have helped point the way
I am still searching . . . an amazing journey
absolutely amazing