and how "free" is free will . . . my "theories" about past lives
A conversation last night in which I talk about how mediumship "works", what actually "reincarnates", what, exactly, a "soul mate" IS -- and why they "show up" . . . what happens to souls who commit suicide
and how "free" is free will . . . my "theories" about past lives
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Love of the self is the key to spiritual "evolution"
without accepting yourself, you cannot possibly accept your place in the greater Spiritual "universe" to be connected to the All, you have to first be connected to yourself "exceptional people tend to reincarnate as exceptional people"
I believe there is a driving force within some people to find a "higher" level of achievement -- even if that is never "actualized" in the 3D world and they fail to meet with "success" I also believe that some people start off as "different" from the others; in my opinion, they, literally, have an extra gear and so, as a result, they are "driven" in ways others maybe are not . . . also, it is common (as I "see" past life "themes") for people to have more than one "vocational calling" for example, my primary "job" in the past has been, as far as I can see, a high ranking Army officer . . . yet I also have many lifetimes in which I was a monk, spiritual teacher, etc plus the artist wild child lifetimes, just to add some spice it is not unusual, to me, to see people who are fairly well-known and to imagine they have been "well-known" before, even if that was for something way way different than what they are known for today As I "look" at people in understanding their past life "profile", I see them "show up" to me in terms of what I have called "thematic buckets" think of these as being analogous to vocational groups -- some people's "evolution" is worked out through a backdrop of the job/"calling" while others tend to see their spiritual evolution best facilitated through interpersonal "relationships" ultimately, our spiritual "progress" is measured by changes "within" and those changes are ALWAYS a result of interactions, (and our responses), with other people we cannot grow without others -- even if we live in a cave, all alone, it is our understanding of ourself in relationship to the greater big bad universe that serves as the yardstick for our own internal "quest for harmony" sometimes I might be 60 % this and 20 % that and 20 % something else (as we look at our primary "thematic buckets" -- and typically people tend to have 3 primary ones, sometimes 4) while next time I am 80 % the "something else" -- but leopards don't become canaries and canaries don't show up as tigers there is a core "spiritual truth" to who we are . . . and I believe, very strongly, it keeps coming back, every time and so, the dust settles after a fun day of finding past lives under every tree . . . and the question some of you may be asking is:
how, exactly, does this "information" come to me? occasionally, an image will pop in my head . . . like all images that come to a "clairvoyant", some make sense, some don't some you can recognze and can easily describe; others, though, are a struggle, as it is something you've never seen before and when describing some crazy thing at the county fair to a friend in LA, you do the best you can to put this image into words perhaps others have the "answer" 100% dropped into their noggins -- perhaps . . . but I see my pictures and do my best to understand them (and describe them) so if I see a vision of you as a housewife in the 19th century, it is going to be complicated to go "oh you were Brunhilda Schmidt and here is were your birth records are located" but if there is a picture of Brunhilda Schmidt staring back at me and I see YOUR picture, well then from that point forward we can begin our investigation what is happening with me over the past couple of days is I am "seeing" the images and they belong to faces I recognize and in the "two plus two" must add up to something logic of how I work, I can then make direct connections without the image staring back at me, I cannot when there is a direct "connection", the pictures "light up". I am a visual artist kind of psychic, the most traditional flat out version of clairvoyant there is without my pictures in my head, I am lost -- but the detail necessary to say "oh your name was this and you lived on Elm Street in Kansas City in 1902" for me, that is very difficult to do hence, why I see Madonna and George Washington . . . because once I see their "picture" I recognize them and know where to find them, and the key component to "confirm" the connection -- THEIR BIRTHDAYS -- already I stumbled on to a site with photos of celebrities and their "look a likes" from the past; one pair jumped out to me as a "past life connection: Mahir Cayan (a Turkish revolutionary / communist, killed in 1972) and Jimmy Fallon . . . after proclaiming my belief in this "connection", I did their astrology crazee . . . Mahir's Sun is opposite Jimmy's Mahir died when he was 26 years old; his Saturn Return would have happened when he was 28 1/2, exactly 10 days after Jimmy was born so they have Saturn conjunctions, but Mahir was born with Saturn conjunct Mars and Venus opposite Neptune Jimmy's Pluto is conjunct Mars -- which is exactly conjunct Mahir's Neptune and opposed to his Venus. Jimmy's South Node is exactly (almost to the minute) conjunct Mahir's Uranus. Jimmy's Uranus is an exact conjunction to Mahir's Jupiter. Mahir's Chiron is an exact conjunction to Jimmy's Mercury and it just keeps going -- and these aspects are ALL less than one degree from exact sooooooooooo, given that their photos are pretty much Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Fallon dressed up as a 1960's Turkish communist, I am feeling pretty strongly that Mahir Cayan reincarnated as Jimmy Fallon Mahir born 3/15/1946 (died 3/30/1972) . . . Jimmy born 9/19/1974 . . . and when Mahir died, the Sun and Retrograde Mercury at 10 Aries were both conjuncting his Natal Mercury (10 Aries) and oppsing his natal Neptune (7 Libra) Mahir was born with Mars conjunct Saturn; on the day he died, Mars was ALSO conjunct Saturn (and opposed to Neptune) and Uranus was square his natal Mars-Saturn conjunction in - ter - est - ing indeed There is a famous "reincarnation case" involving Sherrie Laird and Marilyn Monroe . . . I have gone on record before as saying I "believe" Sherrie IS the reincarnation of Marilyn
soooooo, based on my new theories of past lives and astrology -- which I will outline in my next book: "Dark Waters: The Astrology of Previous Lifetimes" I compared Marilyn and Sherrie There is often a significant Pluto relationship in these charts; Marilyn's Pluto at 13 Cancer is conjunct Sherrie's Mercury at 15 Cancer and trine her Moon at 12 Pisces (opposite HER Pluto at 10 Virgo) Marilyn has a very strong fixed T-Square: Moon 19 Aquarius, opposite Neptune at 22 Leo, both square Saturn Retrograde at 21 Scorpio Sherrie has Saturn at 22 Aquarius, so it conjuncts Marilyn's Moon (and Jupiter at 26 Aquarius) opposes her Neptune and ALSO squares Marilyn's Saturn their Mars are exact opposites: Marilyn 20 Pisces, Sherrie 20 Virgo Their Moon Nodes are nearly exact: Marilyn's at 18 Cancer (again, conjunct Sherrie's Sun) and Sherrie's at 20 Cancer Marilyn's Sun at 10 Gemini is quincunx Sherrie's Moon at 12 Pisces and Sherries Neptune at 12 Scorpio -- forming a Yod, what in Astrology is referred to as "The Finger of God" and it just goes on and on and on . . . sooooooooooo, once again, I am saying I believe this is a sure match which supports the ground-breaking work of Dr. Adrian Finkelstein Sherrie IS Marilyn Monroe reborn I am truly sad to learn of the passing of Colin Wilson
Colin, author of "The Outsider", "The Occult", and many other vital works, was 82 years old . . . one of a kind, he will be missed :( The economy has been making small incremental gains over the past 12 months and I expect that to continue next year and speed up a bit
for those looking for a balance from the past, if that is your standard for measuring progress, you are sure to be disappointed -- as, sorry, those days are gone many people saw their life savings, in the most literal sense, stolen . . . those on fixed incomes, those with limited education or other factors that would negatively impact their abilities to compete in a "technologically driven" futrure will sit by the sidelines their ship has sailed and they are left with crumbs on the shoreline the United States has chosen its FATE and those who adapt will, to some extent, thrive . . . those looking for an "antidote" to this NEW Reality, again, will be sorely disappointed we had a chance to build a beautiful world . . . and we failed however, with the world still at hand, soon . . . very soon, that world will get better ***** I said last year unemployment would go down, which it did . . . I said Gold prices would go down, which they did . . . I said the stock market would hit 16,000 (it was at 13,400) and it did the "economy", as I said it would, "improved" those looking for it to "fix" its past "thievery" . . well that isn't going to happen it improved, compared to the year before -- I was right last year, I will be right again this year as a boxer, I don't "hit" as much as I relax and allow my hand to "connect" with my target I develop the motor skills and technique and then "it hits" because I "see" where it should "land" the same holds true as a clairvoyant -- I don't strain to connect . . . I see my point and allow the information to "blend" with my mind and then I take a deep breath and "describe it" you build the technique and then you simply "allow it to happen" this holds true as an athlete, actor, musician, neurosurgeon, or clairvoyant you develop the "technical expertise" -- because without it, you are lost . . . but then something "extra" takes over if you only "allow it" |
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