for those looking for a balance from the past, if that is your standard for measuring progress, you are sure to be disappointed -- as, sorry, those days are gone
many people saw their life savings, in the most literal sense, stolen . . . those on fixed incomes, those with limited education or other factors that would negatively impact their abilities to compete in a "technologically driven" futrure will sit by the sidelines
their ship has sailed and they are left with crumbs on the shoreline
the United States has chosen its FATE and those who adapt will, to some extent, thrive . . . those looking for an "antidote" to this NEW Reality, again, will be sorely disappointed
we had a chance to build a beautiful world . . . and we failed
however, with the world still at hand, soon . . . very soon, that world will get better
***** I said last year unemployment would go down, which it did . . . I said Gold prices would go down, which they did . . . I said the stock market would hit 16,000 (it was at 13,400) and it did
the "economy", as I said it would, "improved"
those looking for it to "fix" its past "thievery" . . well that isn't going to happen
it improved, compared to the year before -- I was right last year, I will be right again this year