"The Fastest Man Alive"
the 29 second clip above was ripped from the trailer for
"The Fastest Man Alive"
As both Pluto and Saturn, currently parked in the same basic zip code in Capricorn
turn Retrograde and do their backtracking dance across the cosmos, dragging the Moon Nodes right along with them expect the #shakeNbake to your subconscious to kick down hard core . . . depressed, out of nowhere; crying and you don't know why . . . eyeballing a frying pan and your husband's head in the same frame . . . well well well -- you can point towards Saturn and Pluto . . . this is good stuff but not for the meek . . . no place to hide, no place to run; what is hidden #wants_out Two years ago, today, my phone was blowing up with people trying to call me
my best friend, Psychic Partner + partner in crime and, more than all other reasons, the catalyst for me to "un-retire" as a psychic . . . and there is more than a passing chance that had it not been for her, literally, I would have "stayed retired" on that morning, April 23, 2017 . . . Allie Cheslick passed; she was amazing, funny, incredible. Unbelievably talented, the most generous soul I ever met, a loving mother, someone always there for her friends -- and she had so many of them I loved her and even though we were "internet friends" (we met on myspace !!!), we were most definitely friends; we did over 1000 hours of radio together and kept each other entertained and grounded for 11 years . . . I miss her, so much so so so so much; she was, without a doubt, one of a kind her last message to me, the day before she died, was "Dr. Brewer is watching over me" because she had a doctor named Brewer it is not the same without her <3 for me, and for quite a few others. My Haunted House Seal of Approval, Double Platinum Award Winner, the G Girl, Miss Funkytown Uranus herself . . . Google Me Cheslick I love ya; my life is better because you were in it #truth Not everything is your fault; every pebble in the street is not there because you had a negative thought about moving forward
I believe we certainly create conditions within ourselves that lead to "external events" but to blame someone because they have a predisposition to, or genetic marker for, a certain type of physical ailment or give them shit they're not moving "fast enough" when dealing with a series of incredibly traumatic events -- for example, the death of family members or friends . . . to say to someone they should instantly "get over it" and berate them in some way passive-aggressive New Age approved way because, so far, they haven't "thought their way out of it" well, to me, this simply isn't fair nor is it realistic you need to take responsibility for your growth, no doubt -- but to feel all this toxicity directed at you because you don't seem (yet) to have it all together is not fair . . . and I say this due to having conversations about this literally every week of my life with someone "dealing", as best they can with other people, basically, "positive-thought-shaming" them love not judgment walk a mile etc etc etc #etc Still trying to "figure out" what, exactly, to do with this #theory
but yeah . . . I really really really do believe I am the #reincarnation of Achille Varzi . . . not sure about "the others" but this one --- former European Driving Champion . . . it's crazee, but I also suspect it is, in addition to crazee, also #the_truth Shakespeare's Ghost sits waiting with bated breath
for the unfolding drama of Don, Jr when confronted with the question of whether to turn on his father to save himself . . . #Act_Five I believe the "Big One" that people think inevitable
for California . . . will hit within the next 24 months #earthquake
today has been very depressing -- I am truly sad about Notre Dame . . . a beautiful building that has withstood a lot of adversity over hundreds of years
feeling a strong kinship with our friends in Paris . . . even more depressing, though are the posts I've seen all day -- each dealing with a darker conspiracy or expressing glee at the "karma being unleashed" . . . I have long been a vocal voice saying the Catholic Church should be held accountable for their role in covering up sexual abuse of their members . . . but the things I have seen and heard today ?? truly disheartening hoping the beauty of this magnificent building can be salvaged and restored hoping, too, that our empathy for others can be salvaged and restored, as well (Originally Posted 4/15/2019) |
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