Mahir Cayan (a Turkish revolutionary / communist, killed in 1972) and Jimmy Fallon . . . after proclaiming my belief in this "connection", I did their astrology
crazee . . . Mahir's Sun is opposite Jimmy's
Mahir died when he was 26 years old; his Saturn Return would have happened when he was 28 1/2, exactly 10 days after Jimmy was born
so they have Saturn conjunctions, but Mahir was born with Saturn conjunct Mars and Venus opposite Neptune
Jimmy's Pluto is conjunct Mars -- which is exactly conjunct Mahir's Neptune and opposed to his Venus. Jimmy's South Node is exactly (almost to the minute) conjunct Mahir's Uranus. Jimmy's Uranus is an exact conjunction to Mahir's Jupiter. Mahir's Chiron is an exact conjunction to Jimmy's Mercury
and it just keeps going -- and these aspects are ALL less than one degree from exact
sooooooooooo, given that their photos are pretty much Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Fallon dressed up as a 1960's Turkish communist, I am feeling pretty strongly that Mahir Cayan reincarnated as Jimmy Fallon
Mahir born 3/15/1946 (died 3/30/1972) . . . Jimmy born 9/19/1974
. . . and when Mahir died, the Sun and Retrograde Mercury at 10 Aries were both conjuncting his Natal Mercury (10 Aries) and oppsing his natal Neptune (7 Libra)
Mahir was born with Mars conjunct Saturn; on the day he died, Mars was ALSO conjunct Saturn (and opposed to Neptune)
and Uranus was square his natal Mars-Saturn conjunction
in - ter - est - ing indeed