change what you buy . . . and from whom you buy it
and you change the world
is it "cute" I buy from thrift stores -- or a statement about recycling and supporting efforts to help the less fortunate
is it weird I gave my car away . . . or a statement about the impact of cars and the mad pursuit of oil on our precious environment
am I looney for NEVER going to doctors -- choosing to "train my mind" so as not to get "too sick"
or a statement not only about the power of the individual but a rejection of the "industry" that seduced our trained healers
and replaced the Hippocratic Oath with a pledge of allegiance to greed
think about what you NEED . . . support local grocers, local artists
buy a painting and not a print at Walmart . . . my $3 jackets truly rock
and at 9 cents a piece I can buy a lot of shirts . . . so do I need to go to the mall to get one that makes me "trendy" for 3 months ??
perhaps not
think for yourselves -- don't be a slave to what you're told
make choices -- change the world