in 2012, initially on radio shows and on Facebook, I said Obama would be re-elected but towards the end of the 2012 campaign I suddenly #switched and said Romney would win . . . why? because when I thought of Romney I always "saw him giving his acceptance speech and coming to Washington" . . . of course, he lost the election for President but six years later, poof -- he runs for the Senate, wins, gives his speech and . . . moves to Washington
the #other prediction was that Ghouleeani would be part of the Presidential cabinet -- I said (initially) Secretary of State then thought "no, but it is LIKE Secretary of State"
of course, nothing happened
this morning, I see news shows talking about Ghouleeani as a "#shadow Secretary of State"
both predictions in the short-term were wrong but in the long run "sort of right" in a round about kind of way -- and as a person who sees pictures with no soundtrack, I have to (somehow) provide the #dialogue and try to figure out what it all "means" . . . this is why I am not always down with specific "will I get out of my speeding ticket on Friday" kinds of questions
my "psychic brain" doesn't work that way
as I see things (somehow) through a very wide-angle lens