thank them for their time and let them go
they already have "an order with the universe" and are also unlikely unable to pay the shipping costs for delivery
you are not "a project"; you are a magical star already
remember this -- you are appreciated . . . or not
for someone worth sharing your love, you rock as is . . . because, if not (and they feel the need to tell you how you can "meet their expectations" -- always a cluster fuck of ill feelings and assassinating time)
you will feel even worse about yourself when you leave; for some, the true martyrs to love, they will stay no matter what
personally, I am unwilling to "go there" . . . if someone tells you how you need to "be a certain whatever" then the only questions you need to ask them are
(a) do you, oh universe shopper, "match" this energy yourself?
and (b) do you see "me" or only the "potential them" ???
if they don't appreciate you, as is, then another important question is "why would they want you in the first place -- since you're 'not good enough' ???"
save yourself . . . if they don't "appreciate you" and feel the need to tell you why over and over