we wouldn't need Black Lives Matter -- but we're not and POC don't have the same privileges and ARE treated differently . . . so we do
if we thought about the actual welfare of children, treated them as young flowers rather than short adults, we wouldn't need all these programs to save them
from 55,000 assorted ills and depravities
but people are selfish and think too quickly only of themselves . . . so we do
if we collectively thought about the welfare of the planet and doing things, in a team way, to make sure people had (as best we could provide them) fundamental safety nets available so we were "less likely" to exacerbate weather patterns
so people weren't continually seeing their houses burn to the ground or get washed away by floods
we wouldn't need Prayer Circles or need to put our fire fighters in harm's way all the time
but developers are greedy . . . so this keeps happening more and more
we're selfish fucks and have created a solipsistic me first world
and that, more than all other factors
is why the world is on TILT