none seemed "right to me" and so I went into meditation to "look for" a system that made sense TO ME (and just "felt right") . . . and what I came up with is taking the quadrants and dividing the houses within the quadrants into equal parts . . . so the ascendant and mid-heaven give us two "poles"
and within each of the four quadrants, there are 3 astrological houses (and in this system, the houses within the quadrants are divided into 3 equal parts) . . . I never "felt" as if what I was finding in most astrological literature was in harmony with what I saw
and so, armed with this idea of equal houses within the quadrants, I went to see (thinking this can't be original) what this system might be called and who might currently use it
and the house system is called PORPHYRY
soooooo, my preferred house system and the one I use when creating my past life charts (as there are specific points I look for in addition to the planets, and I also do a 3-D chess kind of layering effect, too, including mid-points
as well as a spiral system that is hard to describe in only a few words but, ultimately, works from taking various points and creating spirals from those points based on degree signatures and taking those spirals as overlays)
anyway . . . for the astrologers in the family, my preferred house system IS