other people's "issues" are tiring if they are collectively directed at you . . . but this is the price tag for playing in this profession
more than all other factors, it is the ability to stay calm when the heat is turned up that matters most; there are many things we can do to help make it possible for us to find this calm, centered space
young psychics or psychics not "serious" about their craft will often project their issues into the conversation and that is the color of lens through which they approach a reading
and the state of mind they bring when "looking at a client"
this is unfortunate as it does not serve the client nor does it "honor" our profession
even those with the purest hearts and best intentions can fall prey to this (no one, including me, is ever fully immune)
. . . but there are many things we can do to maximize the probability we will always be in the proper emotional "space" from which to "absorb" the despair of others
so that we might, more clearly, begin seeking solutions for their questions
this is not a point of contact thing; you can't be in a state of emotional turmoil 23 hours a day and then jump in to a space of serenity and neutrality; it doesn't work that way
to be fully "present", you must create conditions within your life that support "being present" 24 hours a day
these are life style choices
and like all things, if you are serious about wanting to be "good at what you do", you will make certain sacrifices
long story etc etc . . . right now, there is a lot of despair in the world
understandably so
and just as back in 2007, when I "warned" that stuff was going to happen and that we needed, AS LIGHTWORKERS
to "be prepared", so (too) does this same speech and warning apply today
I don't believe it will be as bad as people may "fear" but it is the FEAR that is the issue
and events are the pebbles that may ultimately build the wall around a person's heart
if you can't stay calm MOST of the time, you are not really "fit" to do this work because it is easy to do when life moves along smoothly; not so easy when there is a collective energy of despair
interesting times?
you're looking right at them
create the conditions within your life that support an emotional state that allows you to work at a high level
a choice, always a choice
align with the energy of "who a psychic IS"; do this and this next wave of fear will pass with little damage, to you or the clients who come to you
choose to be in a space in which your work matters most; do this, and the next "wave" will be one upon which you surf
rather than one that washes over your head
you don't make things happen; you align with the energy in which those things "can happen" and keep moving in harmony with that energy
2017 will bring some "complications"; we need now to get our individual houses in order so as to best serve those who will need us when the fears they currently "hold" meet up with actual events
this will likely happen; so, get ready
build your emotional house of bricks and this storm will pass