there can be NO DEBATE
I have written about this and talked about this for years and years (every Super Bowl, for example, where teen girls are bused into the city where they play so horny old men can have the complete Super Bowl experience, which evidently, for too many, includes buying a 12 year old)
. . . if men weren't such assholes, then we wouldn't have to worry about 14 year olds getting raped by people my age (and I am 64) or 13 year olds being forced into prostitution . . . this is bull shit, ALL OF IT, and needs to fuckn END
first off, these girls are NOT "underage women"
they are simply girls who want to be girls and not forced into being someone's #toy
secondly, trying to "normalize" adult men having sexual relationships with girls who are 13 or 14 of 15 (or 10 -- or whatever)
is also bull shit and needs to fucking END, as well
this is ALL on the #rapist; quit blaming these girls, quit blaming their parents, quit blaming whatever the fuck "smoke and mirror bullshit" you choose to name
to avoid the fuckn #TRUTH
if men (and women, too, sometimes) actually had an ounce of empathy and compassion for allowing young people a chance to develop -- instead of scooting them ahead for the #convenience of someone else
then we wouldn't have this problem
it's on men -- and if they are too fucked up to stop themselves, it is up to the rest of us to compel them to #stop