that place of satiated wanderlust being none other than Berkeley, CA (still my favorite city in the world)
when I got there I was a rube, naive, with some yet to be UNTAPPED power to see things (at the time I was just confused as all fuck by random madness tip tapping in my head, whenever it damn well pleased)
but before too many months passed, due to all the magickal buckets of resources at one's disposal in the SF Bay Area in the late 1970's, I had the tools to begin laying the foundation for CHANGE
change I could truly believe IN . . . of course, and there is always a bummer to the (false) hope of instant transformation
that instant transformation was going to take a long long really fucking long time
. . . c'est la fuckn vie
people seek mastery in whatever ways they can and one of the things they don't teach you in Magick 101
is that when you focus soooooo intently on one thing, it is often (in the sigil wigil way in which the world works) true
that something else is brewing in another area of the pot
something you didn't consciously add . . . but it makes the tea oh so much more flavorful
in the longest long round about way I can say it, in trying to "understand" past lives and develop my "psychic abilities" ('cause there is way more than just ONE)
I finally sort of figured out what I was looking to find but now that I have "found it", I realize
. . . and this is the true kicker
the power that I acquired is much different than the power I "sought"
and had I known then what I know now -- and isn't that sort of the (inconvenient) point
my life would have been cake walk easy as opposed to stress and strain and be a crazy boy hard
truth comes in all sizes . . . but underneath it all, there is but ONE TRUTH
and I speak in riddles for a reason
a season(ing) for a magickal stew
what you seek is seeking you . . . but it wants to first, like a 13 year old boy who sees you standing in the mall with your hott little girl friends, know that you will accept him
when he offers you his