HOWEVER, far too many people are "taught" as children they don't deserve rock star status
and so they water down their choices and "attract" people who are motivated to make sure that person never grows
as they would be "too much" for the other person (if they allowed this to happen)
this is an outgrowth of the child's conditioning -- why, I believe, women stay (the ones who do) in abusive relationships
this is because they are taught early on to suppress who they are
to "serve" someone else
but, long story only sorta long -- when you know who you are
you will stop accepting who doesn't fit
"self love = healthy boundaries"
and when you honor yourself (not so easy, nor common) you will stop allowing people who bring you down into your world
it is far too common
that people (women, especially) who come from an abusive childhood
will have a distorted sense of self and a distorted sense of the "healthy boundaries" I always talk about
one of the many tragedies of sexual abuse is that women (and men) are taught that their perceptions don't count
"no baby, Uncle Bobby didn't do that"
or "we don't talk about those things"
well, it certainly appeared to me he did and if you didn't do it we wouldn't NEED to talk about it -- these are the foundational level issues arising from sexual abuse and verbal abuse of children
the tendency to not fully "own" your power will be a likely path one might follow
and for #PSYCHICS, when you add the intuitive "thang" into the mix, it gets even funkier, I believe
as psychics, we are typically told over and over it "can't be" or Jesus doesn't like it or you're a fake, etc
and the complexity of finding people who match you
let's just say, "goes up"
sometimes we find people who seem to be a rock star but on further reflection we find they're not
but . . . if you tend to always find pretend rock stars
on some level it is because you're working out what pretend rock stars bring
I have done the same thing, over and over
so -- no judgment
and spent the past three years in basic lock down trying to eradicate the patterns arising from my own "strained relationship" with my parents
a pattern is a pattern until it is a lesson
Unicorn LOVE :)