my core "theory" regarding non-locality of consciousness and both psychic "ability" and the "observation" of past lives
is grounded in "waves" -- seeing functional variables existing in, basically, multiple places "at the same time"
wave function speaks to something called a "probability amplitude" and I believe that what I "do" is somehow align myself with the quantum functionality
of this "probability amplitude" -- (and turn up the dial in "reading" what it "says")
due in large measure to certain types of cognitive functioning that I have trained myself to do
consciousness is a series of choices -- I simply make "different choices" in focusing on variables that others ignore, while ignoring (or not seeing) some things plain as day to everyone else
but the core tenets of quantum physics underscore the behavioral dynamics of "high end" psychics (and yes, I see myself as being on the high-end of the psychic color spectrum)
those who have "experienced" a reading with me may have heard me say "when I see people as being on your same wave length, I mean this literally"
because I believe this wave "pattern" is a harmonic function that we are either "attracted to" or "repulsed by"
anyway . . . my mad scientist "quest" to figure it all out
. . . continues :)