is this my highly-developed skill or a flat out "gift" over which I have little control
I guess that it's actually a little bit from each food group; but probably the best answer I can come up with
is that it's a gift that comes with a certain amount of responsibility
"are you going to take care of the horse, Andy, if we get it for you?"
yes yes yes YES please please please I want a horse !!!
who knew they were so much work :) !!
so knowing that horses or cats or chihuahuas or sunflowers need special care doesn't mean they're not gifts
and for anyone who has ever "had a cat", you FOR SURE know you don't "own them" :)
a gift -- sometimes I think "fuck it, you feed the horse I want to go hang with my friends and drink tequila"
but always -- it comes back to this
magic needs special care
without it, your life kinda sucks
so, bottom line, no matter how much "work" to care for "it"
I offer a toast to "the gift" :)