well, we're gonna take some shit
from others who think we're flaky or not "focused" or just plain weird
but all these people telling us to "get in line" to stop #feeling so much and just listen to what they say
well, look at 'em
they're unhappy, they are on treadmills always trying to stay ahead, and, even worse, they have no real connection with themselves
they are connected to "what they do"
we are connected to "who we are"
a simplistic way to see things, perhaps -- but if you think about it, perhaps you will understand my way of thinking here
those trying so hard to get us to "conform"
don't really seem to be able to make things work because they are "re-acting" to someone else trying to make THEM conform
a top down trickle down carrot and stick with more stick than carrot
an oppressive system designed to show everyone "their place"
created by people who want others to fall in line behind them
we "see through this"
community: yes
conformity: no
Viva L'Unicornia <3