everyone probably knows where I stand on this one
I am guessing the Republicans will try to pretend Jesus is watering the lawns of America from Heaven and repeal anything related to meaningful powers of the EPA
my prediction is that this will be a sore spot for many of us
once Trump gets in office, I would expect oil companies to have more power
and therefore fuck up the environment faster and more efficiently :(
pick your battles because there are likely to be several :(
this one, though, will likely top my list -- or be pretty close :(
also anything related to women having some meaningful say when it comes to their vagina will also likely be a battleground in the months to come
Jesus will have lots to say about this, too
even though the "real Jesus" would be nothing AT ALL like the Republican Pseudo-Jesus they will parade around for all to "see" and bow down to
another "issue" (among many) that anyone who knows me knows I will be "talking about"
I don't think it will be as bad as you may fear -- however, since most people expect the Earth to turn black and men turn even more combative and Neanderthal
that the Pleistocene Era, being better than you fear still leaves quite a bit of room for dismay
it may not be saying all that much that it won't be as bad as "you fear"
Total control of the House, Senate, and White House will mean frat boy planet goes wild
cluster . . . say hello to fuck
2017 . . . it's complicated