are, more likely than not, professional artists (or artist types) with a Liberal attitude and a Liberal position on politics
not so surprisingly, I guess . . . I have many more friends who are models or musicians or actors or visual artists than I do psychics, although probably my closest friends (and the ones who "get me" best) are both psychics and artists combined
although, for sure, I have some tight tight tight friendships with other psychics -- but artists outlaws and rebels are the biggest group, by far <3
I don't have a lot (#understatement) of close friends who are conventional make a career types any more and I think this makes sense
and psychics who are ultra-conservative (and there are lots of them, make no mistake) as well as the smug smoke a pipe types talking about metaphysics who "know all" and knowing all makes them "superior" (hashtag #gag_me) . . . let's just say we don't vibe
love those you love because people who get you and walk your walk are more important than anything else in the entire universe