and I think the bond market is artificially inflated and my prediction is that we are likely to see banks start re-packaging sub-grade assets and try to pass them off as Grade A (reminiscent of 2008)
or they will push bond holders to accept "write downs" of assets so the yield diminishes . . . meaning investors will see their contracts abended and the yield less than the original investment
in English -- banks will pass off bad debt to bond holders and ask them to eat the loss
so the turds will just be moved from one cowpile to another . . . interest rates are non-existent and so those with liquidity
are being forced to invest in financial instruments of one kind or another . . . the game is being propped up in a (weak) attempt to stave off the inevitable correction
to "fair value"
it is inevitable and (in my opinion) it can't be far off
the economy is a lie -- the "free market" that free market evangelists "preach" is being manipulated, hard core
and eventually the free market will bust lose and do its "free market thang"
when that happens the economy is going to cough up a giant hair ball and many people will see their life savings vanish
the rich are scared; rightly so
banks will soon fail, bank stocks will soon tank . . . don't look at the stock market
look at what happens with government and corporate bond "yields"
cluster is sitting in wait . . . ready to pounce on fuck
it is inevitable . . . it cannot be avoided forever
is it this year, 2018, 2019 ?? who knows, but it can't continue
my best guess is that it begins unraveling this year
but cluster fuck it will be
for sure for sure for sure
there is no way to avoid it . . . debt to income is too great
the world is on TILT
it can't be much longer
it just