one of the ways you do this involves literally following the bouncing ball that begins bouncing in the 5th House (the natural home of the Sun) . . . from here, you look to planets in the 5th, the sign on the cusp of the 5th, the houses associated with the ruler of the cusp's sign and any 5th House planets, their placement, as well as the house position and sign of the Sun and and, from there, where the Ruler of the that house is parked, etc etc etc
it is a spiral and to get down to the "truth", because the truth cannot be expressed in a straight line . . . you start with the 5th House and you look for expressions of 5th House "energy" -- which will be wildly different and unique in every chart
influencing factors, of course, are the Rising Sign and Sun Sign, as well as the house positions and aspects of ANY planets in Leo
planets on or near the angles (tight tight orbs) also show certain themes . . . it is a spiral and you add elements with each "swirl"
if you look for a cookbook approach you will only see the surface -- to get down "to it" you have to be willing to ride the Astrological waves
because wave patterns reflect "karmic truth"
and Astrology is a date stamped "record" of this journey
ps -- this, boys and girls, is what Chatty Cathy is "suggesting" I do . . . create a business model that focuses on what I "know" about reincarnation AND ASTROLOGY
and create books, products, etc
connected to Astrology and Past Lives
stop being all things for all people and become a recognized "brand expert" on this specific topic
Chatty Cathy of the Dead, unicorn love :)