are attempts to show some concrete repeatable #pattern lending potential credence to the #truth that we don't die and "go to Hell" . . . we continue on, our soul essence always connected, never extinguished
Heaven and Hell is a mind fuck designed to CONTROL YOU and was created by mind fuckers intent on control . . . it is perpetuated only to limit you
seeing reincarnation as truth is full on #liberation -- the shaming, the manipulation, the constant discounting of your self-worth
these are tools to fuck your mind
reincarnation is a key to unlock your power and #stand_up to the fuckery
reincarnation is the truth and the truth also is that you're good enough right the fuck now
it's all a con game, Heaven, Hell, a God who judges you . . . all #illusions designed to throw you off, make you more easily suppressed, more easily taken advantage of, more easily thrown to the back of the line
reincarnation is #REAL
when you know this, you're real
and no longer a product of the voices trying to tell you who and what to be
you're real
and that, boys and girls, is the ultimate aphrodisiac
the highest fuckn high there can be
#reality is C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N