psychological "patterns", instinctive styles for dealing with one's emotions
and behavioral "predispositions"
these basic psychological signatures will play out over and over and the style typically remains pretty much the same -- the situations and the "responses" to those situations
are the things that "evolve"
. . . soooooo, in looking at my "own style" I always see a really interesting duality -- part of me (both in terms of personality and actual "past lifetimes") gravitates towards wild child artist types
while another "part" of me gravitates to military academies and professional careers in the military
an interesting mix . . . but I believe past lives (and the "healing" and integration of the collective sum of all lives "lived") can be "brought together"
within one's current lifetime
in other words, one can (not easy, but possible) bring all the various bits and pieces (lifetime by lifetime) from ALL the prior incarnations into "alignment" right now
this "duality" of artist / wild child and professional soldier (along with a large dose of two other "themes": religious / spiritual and king / politician)
is (in my opinion) one of the key drivers as to WHY I study past lives with such intensity
understanding the mystical spiritual as revealed by/through/with "past lives"
satisfies not only the artist and mystic -- it also speaks to the warrior / king "parts"
because Religion is too often used as a political weapon
and to be free of the tyranny of someone "using Religion" to keep others in the dark, so as to control their behavior
through controlling the cognitive frameworks driving their thinking -- and thus driving their value system and decision making
is the greatest gift anyone can "give"
to understand past lives is to be free of Spiritual Tyranny
the truth, quite literally, will "set you FREE"