as well as sexual and aesthetic preferences
based on something, for lack of a better way to describe it, we might call "soul pods" . . . I have been listening a LOT to David Bowie of late, especially when I am working on my photo overlays
and he has been THE artist in heaviest rotation in my life, ever since I was a teenager
I have probably spent more hours listening to David Bowie than, literally, any other artist, ever
there are times in Bowie's career when we could pass for virtual twins, too, and times when we look not so much alike at all . . . I look WAY different than I did in my late 20's
and during the late 1970's, during what might be referred to as Bowie's "Thin White Duke" days, he and I looked soooooooo much alike; wt actual fuck
I also notice(d) after I started doing past life "research" that many of the people over the years I thought were the best looking or most beautiful actually, when you do the photo overlays
look just like ME
although I didn't realize any of this at the time
I bring all this up to #suggest that we are drawn to people and places and styles
of other people who, how best to say it
come from our "planet of origin"
hash tag #kissin_cousins