is this a time to panic, a time to applaud, or a time to march ahead, repeating the same ole same ole after "the day" comes ??
personally, I think this is a revolutionary time and by revolution, I am (for sure) not talking about taking to the streets
I am talking about revolutionizing your mind . . . how you process information in the days, weeks, and years to come
is the only currency that lasts
be prepared with the ziggy stardust uber de duber dee glow
meaning: stop watching where everyone's going
because they're all going the wrong way -- see "holistically" not step by step
because step by step is too slow
the only way I could predict the economic trends so accurately 10 years ago was to turn off the soundtrack everyone was listening to
and say just suppose this impossible thing . . . wasn't impossible
what then?
you are tricked into a mode of "seeing" -- that is a trick
psychic ability at its base level is based on moving past the fears associated with breaking patterns
don't look at static points -- look at MOTION
this is why I am really really really good at identifying trends at the macro level and not so plugged in to is this specific one time event gonna go as planned next Tuesday
it is a style of "seeing"
right now, from where I sit . . . I believe the trends are going in a way way way different line that what the static points people point towards would "suggest"
it ain't the meat, it's the MOTION
for sure
shit is about to get "real" . . . and reality, as most people "understand it"
is about to get