here is my answer and, in re-reading it, I think it sums up, philosophically, where I am pretty clearly in relationship to "my work" :)
. . . I believe that the best way to approach things is to look at the emotional patterns we have -- this is true for all of us, I think
as the emotions provide the fuel from which to move forward
there is no such thing as a 98 % "accurate psychic"; that is hype to "sell psychics" -- I am good (I think) at finding emotional patterns and helping people move more into "alignment" with their "true nature"
I can do no magic; the magic is within you
We talk and have a conversation because that conversation leads to (ideally) some type of epiphany over the course of the session
I want you to talk because listening to your voice is the best tool I have for "tuning in"
for me, it is kind of like walking into a movie in the middle -- after a few minutes the plotline takes shape and it makes more sense :)
if you have questions or questions come up that is fabulous
I never do any two exactly the same as people are in different "spaces" at different times
hopefully, I can help add some clarity to how you see your path moving forward
I make "predictions" but these are my "best guess" as to the trend line of where you're "heading"
I don't know everything but I don't lie :) . . . I will be as honest as I can be
and, of course, will have only a partial glimpse into your world
to move forward it is good to know what you want -- because when you want something, you go after it
when you do it because others "tell you" and it is not coming from "within you", you put forth a luke warm effort and things typically don't flow "so easily"
seeing "that" (to the extent that I do) is one of my primary "gifts", you could say
but to see that -- and have any credibility . . . it is essential I have some sense of who you are now
you will know one way or the other if I "do" and will trust me (or not) based on how our conversation flows
I am pretty zen . . . I am polite and I like people :)
but . . . I won't have all the answers
sometimes it is good, when you're on the fence a bit, to have an impartial sounding board
more than anything, that is probably who I am and what I do :)
I hope this makes sense