each time it was because I said something that, to me, seemed pretty tame but I was attacked, hard core, by the "gate keepers" of the love and light world
and they were, first, the idea that we create our reality and therefore everything that happens to us is because, basically, we're not "evolved enough" and should just magically change our thinking, since it is all within our control -- which I think is total nonsense and just a way to torment those who are having a hard time
and, two, the concept that you could come from a place of spiritual seeking and concurrently hold political beliefs that were on the "far right" and look down on certain groups as being "less than" someone else
I know a lot of people see me, NOW, as this aggressive "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you" kind of guy
which actually I'm not
but I am also not one to say the sky is green if I think it actually looks blue, even if word on the street with the "in crowd" is the sky is, secretly, green and we just have to know how to find the green parts so we can be one of the "Green Sky Elect"
I think there is almost always a simple, rational, middle of the road kind of answer to most problems
I am not always going to see some "cosmic", a ghost did it, reason behind every event
I also think people genuinely suffer and not everything that happens in life
is due to their "negative thinking" or some karmic boomerang finally come back to haunt them (or me)
in love and gaslight village, lots of people come ready to passively-aggressively let you know that you're not "enough"
and, in pointing this out
they are also pointing out they got it goin' on in ways you DO NOT
most of my social media tirades are attempts to say "this is not fair" to people who are genuinely confused or sad
and as someone who has, in spite of the Glamour Boy "aura" that may have followed me throughout my life's journey, been sad and confused most of my life
I feel the pain and sadness of people in ways probably many do not
you come from love if you want to do "this job" #correctly
and when I see people who come, first, from a place of judgment and condescension and use their self-anointed place of spiritual superiority as a bludgeon
then my desire to make it stop
kicks down
and I say "what I say"
I have never been afraid to say I don't know the answer, never been afraid to admit I fight Depression or that there are things in life beyond my powers to understand
"do no harm"
this MUST come first for those of us who do "the work"
and to protect others and to protect "the craft"
I may, sometimes, come lookin' for a fight
I want to be "real" most of all
and all the sleight of hand trickery and bull shit of Psychic World "annoys me"
sending you #love