past lives are "fake news" and we are dissuaded from looking, much as we are dissuaded from looking too deeply into Russian collusion and the Mueller Report
the reason each is #sold as fake news is because finding answers, and acting upon what we find, makes us less likely to blindly follow our leaders . . . therefore, "the hiding" of past life memories (and the recognition that Christian narratives of Heaven and Hell and a "vengeful God" are lies -- and the people telling us these things, then, #liars)
is sold under the tagline of being something not worth investigating -- nothing to see there, why look? . . . sold under the gaslighting mantra that looking at past lives would "blind us" from living "in the moment"
but that thinking is another LIE reinforced in this culture because, just like credit scores and self-healing, people in power want a large portion of the populace in the dark and more easily "controlled"
the dominant motive in this culture underscoring Religion is control . . . hierarchical control; studying past lives potentially blows up this control . . . and, as a result, this knowledge is suppressed
and boogie man stories are created to scare people from "going there"
does it make sense to spend 5 years in graduate school and then simply throw this information away . . . do hours in the library keep us from "living in the moment" or does this work give us power later to accomplish things because we have additional information as to how best to do so?
when we "study past lives" what we're really looking for are clues
as to how, best, to maximize our potential
there are "pointers" in reincarnation about things to, how best to say it, "avoid" (patterns are patterns until they're lessons) and stories waiting for us showing us what we can achieve, as well as offering insight as to how best (and most quickly) change our life
I guess I've done a poor job in describing how this knowledge potentially can benefit us . . . most people want immediate 3 minute youtube video insights that can be instantaneously snorted, then forgotten
past life #integration
is a lifestyle, like weight lifting or yoga . . . a "practice" that you do that has long-term benefits but only if you put in the time
I can take ANYONE and help them make huge changes in their lives -- but this can't happen in one 30 minute session or just couple of hours every year
and these changes can only happen, too, if what I offer is seen as the tip of an iceberg of work that the client does on, and for, themselves
"Past Lives" (in my opinion) are powerful forces underscoring how we (a) process emotions and, as a result of the emotional "trigger" being "processed" -- the mechanism through which "karma" is initiated, (b) make decisions
Past Life "History" is a key driver in helping us understand who we "are" and why we think and act in the ways in which we do
Past life influences also have a profound impact, I believe, in these 4 core areas: (1) Prosperity, (2) Emotional and Spiritual Harmony, (3) Sexual Health and (4) Body Image
Past Life "Awareness" also works, hand in glove, with Law of Attraction principles of alignment and intention
there is a direct correlation between "Past Life Integration" and MANIFESTATION
Knowing what makes you "tick", using that knowledge to "align" with your core "truth" . . . and then ACTING from that "particular space" serves as jet fuel, if used wisely, for both rapid AND long-term, sustainable, growth
these are just some of the #benefits of studying #pastlives / #reincarnation
but the idea that there is no "there there" -- that is simply not true