and much like a child who has eaten too much will throw up and have a tummy ache, so, too, the world economy -- gorged on sugar and junk (bonds) food
will have to release those things that don't "sit well" on its belly
how does this happen ??
a collapse in productivity? unlikely, as the economy is anxious to grow
a stock market crash? also unlikely, as companies growing are also producing and companies that produce typically see share prices rise
so what then will be "thrown up"? most likely thing is "the currency"
and if the currency has a hiccup, the ones who will suffer are those with fixed incomes or strong positions in stocks, bonds (especially) or commodities (and your house is a commodity)
who do not have skin in the game to earn money "after the purge"
some skill sets now are as useless as chimney sweeps and without the ability to learn quickly or deal with technology, a large portion of the work force is . . . how to say this most delicately
soooooooooooooooooo, the economy is doomed, in my opinion . . . but not doomed to fail, rather doomed to explode and be rebuilt
it is bound to happen
if you have tools to join in the rebuilding, all is good
if you only have an investment in the memories of the past . . . then you are a dinosaur and will curse the heavens
it is inevitable -- the debt is simply too great
something has to give . . . and soon
very very very