what, exactly, does/can that "mean"?
here is my "understanding" of this concept:
1) time experienced is not empirically the same as time lived
meaning: we are not bound by the same laws of causation nor linearity as we might "normally" assume
"laws of karma" (which I DON'T agree with, in principle) would suggest a linear, reap what you sow, pay me now or pay me later kind of thinking
this process presupposes (a) a gradual upward arc towards enlightenment (and "escape" from the cycle of life)
and (b) a singular one step follows another progression
parallel/concurrent lifetimes don't easily fit into this model
yet . . . as I study/contemplate/theorize about how it all might "work"
I find myself rejecting every tenet of this step by step build up of Earthly credits so as to have enough tokens to get into Heaven, or at least off the incarnation tread mill
I think people LIKE being here, even if some of the day to day experiences . . . SUCK
and I think some people are willing to leave some of their accrued "credits" behind
in order to more easily float between spaces/incarnations
thinking that a lighter load is worth the chance . . . I give up the mansion in order to travel, that kind of thinking
. . . "Splits", therefore, have fairly common attributes:
1) they are, typically, all over the place in terms of their development . . . slow steady build a nest egg and don't rock the boat kinds of approaches
are unlikely with "splits"
2) Splits naturally seek "attention" and are drawn to professions in which attention is freely given . . . meaning the most common professional choice would be "performer" (although not musician, as musical gifts are very singular skills and typically high end musical talents keep coming and coming, one at a time, to do "their thing")
pop star diva types, though, are often more about being seen than creating music and that group -- yes, splits "fit"
the other likely destination after performer is "politician"
as both groups enjoy the spotlight and like to feel "special"
behind the scenes peeps are less likely to be splits . . . those who DO split are going to try, somehow, to move into a space of public recognition of some kind
they may not succeed, but they are "wired" . . . to go there
3) splits also are psychologically fragile and super tough, kind of all at the same time
they are up and down kinds of personalities -- prone to narcissism and neuroses probably more than the average populace
4) splits also want to be seen in a positive light and will typically be quite focused on physical appearance
actor, model, "celebrity" etc
a bright flame towards which they will be naturally drawn
Trump, to me, is a for sure "split", Lindsay Lohan, for sure "split"
some just jump out to me: actresses such as Romy Schneider and Greta Garbo likely were splits; speaking of Garbo, the dancer/spy "Mata Hari" also has a similar energetic signature
"splits" all share the same past lives . . . so there may be two people (or three, or more !!) who all have the same past life profile
and are all part + parcel of the same soul essence/monad
"splits" will show up every round looking much the same every time out and will have strong astrological matching synastry across every incarnation, as well
I don't believe we go, always, one after the other
God is more creative that just that