and from that droplet, it flows and picks up more droplets and finds a path in which to flow ever more quickly, and a vehicle (carved from the Earth, a paraphrase of Adam and Eve) in which to flow
as the river gets wider and water flows faster, this original source is now less visible, unless we happen to just be standing at the source -- from which point it is unlikely we can really appreciate the magnitude of what has become of our original droplets
conversely, if we are standing further down the river and it is wide and deep and flowing at a rapid rate, it might be difficult to imagine it ever as a tiny droplet far far away
but if we were concerned about mapping the flow -- in thinking that seeing this source and understanding the way in which it is flowing
thinking perhaps this information might be useful in understanding where the river might flow next . . . as well as helping us understand how the river gained such "power"
In doing so we avail ourselves of a tremendous bit of information if we were ever to attempt (at some point) to “re-route the flow”
the source, of course, is God . . . the droplets are lifetimes and the river is the flow of karma
if we scoop a bucket of water from the river and put a small sample into an eye-dropper and then take one tiny droplet and put it onto a slide under a microscope, we could see the drop as a single entity
yet also, concurrently, realize the droplet was still just a part of a giant flow of water we call "the river"
it is both but if we look out towards the collective droplets -- river
we see it one way . . . the river is a singular point
yet if we extract this sample and look at it under a microscope -- our perspective is different and the label we give it is different
However, it is still “part of the river” and even if the drop came from another place other than the original seed bed of the river itself
once it drops into the river it IS the river
because we cannot understand the drop as drop unless we make the effort to extract it in some way from the collective
and so . . . what, do tell Madame Andre
does it all MEAN ??
it means this: each lifetime can be seen as a stand-alone drop or it can be understood as a part of a bigger flow
and just as a tiny creek may not have much energy and may not carve out much of the ground so that she can grow larger
under the right circumstances, the creek can expand and get bigger wider go faster
and creek become river -- either way though, little creek or raging river, it is still only a body of water moving in a certain direction
the energy of the flow leads to power -- mass and speed combined
and just as some souls are creeks others are rivers because their point of origin is closer to that original source
and those droplets can split into different paths, small tributaries off the main "big river"
and these smaller tributaries are also part of the whole as they come, too, from this original source
and can be seen as expressions of the source
that move in certain ways based on the accrued energy of the motion that was "initiated"
we can study past lives much as some mad cartographer might seek the source of the Nile or the birth of the Mighty Mississippi
and, in doing so, have a greater understanding not only where it all comes from but (added bonus) a better idea as to where it is all “heading”
this is why I study past lives, not only to understand where I come from (which really tells me “who I am”)
but it also points me in ways nothing else can . . . towards where the flow "flows"
and knowing which way the river runs