We can only begin to understand the mechanics of Reincarnation if we can, first, put aside the notion that it has to work in a straight line, one life after another. This suggests each lifetime “builds" on the one before, a Manifest Destiny kind of notion of seeking "perfection".
Instead, Reincarnation is a fluid dip into the corporeal sea by a spiritual essence, fully realized, ongoing, ever present.
We don’t "need" to evolve, although "growth" is desirable. Reincarnation is an expression of the Spirit and, as such, doesn’t grow from lifetime to lifetime, each step a progression higher and higher.
It already IS . . . and it can move in and out of "bodies" in ways that cannot be captured in a linear growth model.
We reincarnate to express our truth, not to find it. When people do choose to reincarnate, they are doing so in the full knowledge they come with a vibratory "connection" to the dominant soul essence that is always on, never changing. Of course, this connection is quickly forgotten but this dominant soul essence is "who they are", the individual lifetimes merely costume parties expressing that essence in a myriad of ways.
When we reincarnate, we are choosing to express this energy in a different "form" and the energy vibration from one "life" to the "next" buzzes along exactly the same. It is simply the play of light and form suggesting "differences" when, in reality, each lifetime is the same (only expressed in a different way physically) . . . what reincarnates, though, is constant; while the individual lifetimes (of course) -- due to variations in time and place, are not.
This is why each lifetime will have similar physical features and common inclinations, no matter the circumstances, no matter the culture, time, or place . . . race or gender. The vibration of the "essence" is unique, much like a radio signal. It is this vibration that tells you how each lifetime matches as well as WHO they match; it is also the harmonic wave overlays of this signal with another's that spells out "soul mate" -- literally a member of a similar harmonic wave pattern.
All people have this unique "wave pattern" -- a harmonic profile as singular as your fingerprints. It is this wave pattern that "shows" your karmic history, shows who "you match", shows who you are and when you find others on your same "wavelength" -- it means that on an etheric level, they, literally, are matching the vibratory signal you're emitting.
This wave is "the expressed truth" of the individual essence.
The spiritual "essence", therefore (what others may call the soul or spirit or oversoul), is a consistent "always thing" -- the individual lifetimes we "live" are "subsets" of that consistent essence . . . each lifetime both unique and concurrently merged. One foot in life one foot in the world of spirit -- why Death is not an ending but, rather, a shift in focus since we are always "merged with the essence". Death is not a final "hard stop".
Also -- each individual lifetime is energetically "aligned" with every OTHER lifetime branching from the essence, so what changes one lifetime (subtly) changes ALL lifetimes. This is why it is possible to "heal" past life wounds in this current lifetime as the totality of experience(s) are reflected in the "essence" and even though the essence is solid, it reflects energy in various ways based on various "needs". It is chameleon-like yet being a chameleon is its solid "nature".
Wave pattern "groupings" are the outward trappings of what we typically call "soul groups" or (as I choose to call them) "soul pods". We can recognize who belongs by their vibratory "spin", which by default/design, will always vibrate at a similar speed and frequency. This is done both to ensure that each individual lifetime is always in direct connection with the essence, as well as serving as a means for beaming out a signal to all the others in their "soul pod" family.
In essence, “know me by my vibration so you can find me AGAIN.”
All incarnations are reflections of the "core" . . . each lifetime, therefore, an "expression" of the dominant, unique soul essence, always spinning at a constant speed -- no matter how fast or slow the "action", the essence vibrates the same always always always.
Up down happy sad are temporary . . . the essence is CONSTANT and vibrates at a constant harmonic wave pattern, always. This is also why studying "past lives" can be a turbo shot upwards, in terms of Law of Attraction/Manifestation . . . since connecting with these past life "expressions" gives you insight into the best ways for cleaning "the gunk off your antenna" in order to manifest your vibratory essence in its purest, highest form.
The holographic spiritual imprint of our loved ones "who pass" never burns out. It is a constant -- the physical expression of their soul essence in a particular body in a particular time/space is "recycled" (through successive reincarnations) but the energy never stops . . . meaning the energy is always around, even if the physical form is different.
Translation: you can always align with this energy, provided you are willing to step past a reliance on strict physical manifestations of that energy as "confirmation". The energy is ALWAYS there even if the physical expression of that energy . . . is not.