I said Gold and Silver prices would rise dramatically . . . Gold has gone up $249 an ounce, a 23 % gain
Silver has gone up 47 % in the past six months !! and I always have felt Silver, more than Gold, is the better hedge in "complex economic times"
so -- that we can count as yes
since January, more and more financial markets have developed overt newsworthy "issues" -- there is a potential meltdown with banking stocks across the globe and bank stocks (as I predicted many times over the past year) have lost close to 50% of their valuation
so where Gold and Silver are rising, bank stocks are tanking
there is talk now in the EU of the need for a 166 Billion Dollar "bail out" to save central banks, much like what we saw in 2008
and Deutsche Bank is looking at massive restructuring measures that are likely in contravention of EU labor laws
THAT should be entertaining !!
and if banks are that shaky, what does that do for everything else !!
there have also been numerous articles written over the past 60 days "worrying" about a potential crisis in real estate values
and China ?? so far it has stayed propped up (it's a big dragon, indeed) but the Dragon is sick and I still feel it will wobble soon enough
However, on Monday, Forbes Magazine posted an article entitled "China's Economy: Between A Rock and A Hard Place" . . . it is only a matter of time before "interesting times"
get interesting
as one domino falls, so (too) go the rest
so just like in 2007 and 2008 when all the "experts" said "no one could have predicted this"
I could pretty easily, and truthfully, say "well I DID -- so evidently somebody could !!"
I expect I will be able to say that same thing again
popcorn ready to munch