In 2007, 2008, and 2009 I said, quite adamantly, that no amount of wishful thinking or cosmic anything would change the economic tsunami coming our way. The force of that energy was simply too great. It was going to happen no matter what.
In 2011, I said things were different. There would be a window (I believed that window was August, 2011 until March, 2012) when the collective energy / spirit / what have you would define what came next -- that, literally, the power to change the world was at our fingertips. It could go either way.
I feel, truthfully, that as a collective we have FAILED this test. I am being "given" this message very clearly. I tried to be something of a "cheer leader" for this time but I am but a small voice in a giant cathedral . . . and even though I work hard to be the "rational" psychic, much of what I see in my head and later write about is "channeled" -- although I haven't really described my work in these terms in the past.
Now, I believe it is the "time" to say what I "need to say" and for those with ears to hear, amen . . . those who can't receive it, well it is not for me to worry about any longer. What I have to say will not go over well with everyone but then not everyone is attuned to the radio stations I tap in to.
I believe on many levels things are improving but those are partly cosmetic; when I do readings for people I tend to see "future" things in a positive light . . . but, even so, in my opinion, the karmic wheel is tipping -- More and more quickly with each passing week. It will be much more difficult now to steer the earthly ship into calm seas -- because the storms are definitely brewing ;(
Jung says "there is no coming to consciousness without pain" . . . I believe we are moving towards a painful time.