possibly been fairly good at it ??
conversely, does having a personality type leaning towards risk taking, being someone who "enjoys attention", "expected" attention . . . someone who attracted women, lots of women and made decisions sometimes that put his career at risk due to his arrogance (thinking nothing could stop him)
and had sort of an up/down wild ride with Monsieur Le Toad ??
do these qualities resonate with who I "am"?
to add to this "possibility", as a child I could recognize all the different cars and point them out (I was maybe 3 years old then) and when asked in 10th Grade my career goals, my answer was "race driver"
. . . and I read "Road and Track", sat glued to the racing movies I went to see like "Winning" with Paul Newman and "Le Mans" with Steve McQueen, and tried to figure out the math as to how I could afford to do Formula Vee or Formula Ford but didn't follow up on it
these are important questions when looking at matching past lives
the Astrological matches are crazy close -- CRAZY CLOSE
Achille Varzi (August 8, 1904 - July 1, 1948) and me, born February 6, 1955
Achille's Sun 15 Leo opposite mine 17 Aquarius
His Saturn 17 Aquarius conjunct my Sun
His Sun 15 Leo conjunct my Moon 13 Leo
His Juno 14 Aquarius conjunct my Sun, opposite my Moon
My Juno 16 Scorpio makes a T-Square with his Sun 15 Leo and my Sun 17 Aquarius, as if also does in my natal chart with my Sun and Moon, as well
His Venus 24 Aquarius conjunct my Mid-Heaven 24 Aquarius and opposite Pluto 25 Leo
His Mars 25 Cancer conjunct my natal conjunction of Jupiter 22 Cancer / Uranus 24 Cancer
His Mars in sign of my natal Jupiter (Cancer); his Jupiter 29 Aries in sign of my natal Mars 16 Aries and opposite my Neptune 28 Libra
His Uranus 26 Sagittarius trine my Pluto 25 Leo, sextile my Neptune 28 Libra and Mercury 28 Aquarius, square Jupiter/Uranus 22/24 Cancer
His Neptune 7 Cancer conjunct my South Node 4 Cancer and it is likely his Moon would also conjunct my South Node, as well
His Pluto 21 Gemini on my Ascendant 18 Gemini
since I don't know his time of birth I can't compare angles nor determine his Moon sign nor degree
but yeah, if you came to me with these birth dates and asked me if you were "soul mates" pretty good chance I would say a very emphatic "YES, pretty high probability"
there is nothing in Achille Varzi's life, from racing cars to being a clothes horse to stealing wives from his team mates that could not have fairly easily happened in my "current life"
and the physical "similarities" coupled with memories and "channeling" that I was a racing driver in the 1920's
all this leads me to the assumption that Achille Varzi would "be" a reasonable "candidate"
and all these things HAVE to be there (in my opinion) to even begin to speculate that so and so was YOU long long (or not so long) ago
there are "rules" to reincarnation; no one knows them, just as no one knows all the rules to Astronomy or Physics or Genetics
we make theories, test them and say "yeah, here is the theory"
and then test the theory for a specific application to see if there is a reasonable, repeatable fit
"finding past lives" is part Art, part Research, part blind (seemingly but we "know better") luck
but discovering the rules "matters"
and so I offer this "possible match" (again) along with additional reasons as to "why" I think it possible