when (in my way of "seeing it") past lives are actually more akin to "waves of consciousness" that CAN manifest as a singular point (a body with a "History")
but are actually waves of potential that roll along -- as we climb higher along the "wave spectrum" we absorb the light from these various manifestation points
meaning, deep down . . . past lives are nothing more than shared consciousness expressed as a wave of light
captured, due to a conscious "interaction" with the wave, as a physical "incarnation"
and the "harmony of the wave pattern" is where we see memories, physical commonalities, etc
that we CAN tune into as we fine tune how we "look at it/them"
further translated: we are waves of energy, not static physical "objects"
healing (physical AND mental) is also a function of wave patterns and wave pattern "recognition"
the limit to finding past lives (which may also be trying, concurrently, "to find us") is by seeing past lives as a "material" line of progression when, more likely, it is a sea of possibility wrapped in a wave of rainbows
waves of color -- your vibe, truly, attracts "your tribe"