are similar in tone, intent, and actual rhetorical style to the Nazis for the past 3 years . . . I have, basically, been "haunted" by memories of the 1930's in my psychic who was I and why is this crazy shit in my head still way since I was little
and have taken graduate level History classes in 20th Century European History with an emphasis on Germany 1914-1945
I have said, a thousand times, I "remember Nazi Germany"
and as someone seen by many as one to the top psychics (in terms of reincarnation research and past life "matching") in the world now
this obsession with past lives and obsession, too, with things that might remind me of the Nazi "mind set" once more on our door step
drives so much of what I do and what I say, both publicly and privately
for those who want to learn more about these connections, there are, literally, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of outstanding books easily available
the Germans were once one of the more liberal and inviting countries in the world in terms of openness and "assimilation" of their Jewish neighbors; there was a history (which led to many staying longer than was wise) of Germany being a "good place" for Jewish citizens
but the pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe meant that many Jews in those countries were fleeing to the west and this led to a massive fear campaign directed against the Ostjuden (Jews from the East -- the Yiddish speaking population who were, typically, far less educated than their German brethren) showing up in Germany as part of this "refugee wave"
"Blood Libel" was a very real (manufactured) fear -- the demonizing of those not Aryan (ie not white) was pervasive in the Nazi appeal and a foundational element of their strategies in securing (and maintaining) political power
this is now Hillary and John Podesta eating babies in the basement of Comet Pizza; same basic mythology just with new street signs and a new score card
this Qshit is ALL recycled from the Nazis
new words, new technology, but the same basic blueprint
they are playing on fears they are, basically, making up and then driving that home so they can get "market share" of people's minds
the Nazis were in it for themselves and created a mythology they sold to the masses, many of whom "bought it" not realizing it was fake as fuck and all a con game straight off
how many millions of lives destroyed? the occult scene in Central Europe at the time (and I have said this out loud a million times, too) was much like it is today; The "New Age" also "ain't new"
and just like woke people today say crazy right wing shit you could have never imagined, so (too) occultists and magickians of Germany in 1920 jumping on the Hitler bandwagon a hundred years ago
all this shit happened and we can't allow it to happen #again
in the most ironic closing possible "do the research"