there are several reasons; the first being I think the things they say are insane . . . and I am not noted for only saying "mainstream" things, btw
they are also bullies and racists and Anti-Semitic . . . and no doubt come from the "we're men so we'll instruct the little woman" kind of bullshit mind set
they also manipulate good people who are confused and trying to understand a complex world and toss out a nugget of truth followed by 40 lbs of insanity
to all the so-called "spiritual people" (all the hip "woke" people)
who jumped on this and promote it and think it makes sense, there are not enough words of disdain and disgust available for me to fully express my true thoughts (and I am also not one noted as being reluctant to speak his mind)
everything about this gaslight on steroids sales job
triggers the fuck out of me
and I dangle my career and getting kicked off Facebook and even my personal safety
over the ledge in order to speak out against it
and this insanity with "the imposter" totally BLOWS MY MIND
they look nothing alike, their speaking voices are NOTHING alike, I am sure their demeanor and mannerisms are also nothing alike
yet there are tens of thousands (at least) who believe (still believe) this nonsense that he faked his death and will be VP
wt actual fuck
last night, after Pence was renominated, I perused all these FB groups devoted to Trump/JFK Jr 2020
and it was, literally, the most whack where am I who the fuck are these people experience I can remember in a long, long time
eyeball #scrub
bottom line
. . . QaCON is a con game, run by cons
designed to fuck anyone they can
pure and simple
therefore, I will continue to speak out against them