they believe trump is here to root out corruption and save us from a group of Satanic baby-eating pedophiles who run a child snatching ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor in Washington, DC (in a building that has no basement, btw)
and the Democrats and George Soros and Tom Hanks (who knows why) are evil predators and JFK, Jr is alive and he faked his death so he could return to support his friend donald trump
and will still, somehow, be his VP in 2020
so -- basically a cult of right wing Anti-Semites who like puzzles more than reality
and Q is some dude who has a secret clearance from the government who drops these "crumbs" predicting events
that, literally, NEVER happen
but the fact that none of these predictions are true is then spun into fool's gold
as part of "the Plan" for misdirection
or something