and as a fairly analytical guy, I could easily find lots of things about which to be angry -- this happened in 2006 so the housing crisis and economic breakdowns were still to come
I was a 9/11 "truth" expert on radio 10 years ago and wrote a book outlining why the economy was going to crash and why the world (and those who run it) was not to be "trusted"
this consumed me and luckily just missed killing me and much as I wanted to find a silver unicorn in every cloud, my anger was overwhelming
it took me a long long time to let it go and, now, I see how debilitating that anger was for me
not that there aren't legitimate reasons to be a little "annoyed" . . . but my hatred of all that was happening became a fire out of control
I had to unplug it and find a middle ground, somehow someway
I get why people are upset . . . I understand the frustrations many of you must feel with the world and the economic and political morass you see blaring back at you every day
but somewhere in this madhouse you must find a silver lining, for your own sake
not everyone is bad, not everything is evil
find some good and allow that goodness to wash over you
the anger will kill you . . . and it is simply (simply put) "just not worth it"