but more tellingly, it is a collective angst that whatever seems "real" may not BE real . . . trust is the foundation, in many respects, of love
and people are no longer so trusting . . . on an "etheric level" what I see is a general malaise . . . normally, this would translate into "dis ease" / disease
when people are stressed, their bodies break down
it is therefore VITALLY important that we all (as best we can) make it a point to choose healthy lifestyles and eliminate as much "unnecessary" drama and confusion as possible
the world is sort of on TILT; it is up to us to bring ourselves, on an individual level, back into balance
we can do this . . . but we're not likely to get a lot of "help"
however, no matter how whacked the world may seem, you can navigate through it all with some simple steps
(1) try not to be "reactive"; make it a point to stay as calm as possible, (2) be overtly kind to others as often as you "can", and (3) try to exercise and get enough sleep
I make my predictions on things like the economy (and even earthquakes) based on my "sense" of the "collective emotional body"
as emotions more than all other factors drive behavior
and collective behavior sets the "tone" for what comes next
stay chill, be polite, ride a bike, walk the dogs, take a nap
include others in your plans, make it a point to not be alone, if possible
and "spread the love" as the current political climate may make many feel "unloved" and "undervalued"
I think this is understandable based on even a high-level rhetorical analysis of "the news" and collective "action(s)"
we can get through this; honest
do these things and you will "escape" largely unscathed in the collective madness almost sure to come