people who vibe with one another are, quite literally, on the same wavelength (it's physics, not psychic) . . . as a result, highly intuitive people can feel a "dissonance" when the wave pattern is disrupted
one of the most challenging disruptions to your "vibe" are liars; hanging around with people who continually lie or distort reality in their favor
is almost painful for psychics and others in touch with their intuition
trying to stay in a state of harmony when you are in constant + close proximity to liars or gaslighters
will tend to cause intuitives, like a pinball machine, to go TILT
this will throw everything else off within your psychic radar system
so, as a positive step towards increasing and enhancing your God given psychic gifts
avoid those who lie as much as possible
trust yourselves
and surround yourselves with others who are worthy of your trust
trust me :) -- this will help you get better, in a hurry !!
. . . another psychic tip: people have an energetic signature, kind of like their finger prints
this is a behind the scenes low level "hum" you can train yourself to notice
when people's "speech patterns" CLASH with this hum, you know they're not "in harmony" with whatever they're talking about; VERY valuable information
in seeing where they're going
because it gives you insight into where they're trying to #leave
and knowing that gives you a baseline to explore what they need to change to get "back in harmony" with themselves